These are the days… the ones where things come together, moments collide, software works and computers behave themselves!! grrrrr…. I received notification today that a work of mine was gifted and you may remember a little thing called the blogger show curated by Meredith of Whynot Pottery it was a show that brought so many of us ceramists/potters together in North Carolina USA.
The work that I was creating at the time was very much driven by a desire to see beyond the kitchen table. Although the works I make are so often beyond function I desired to create something that was so far from utilitarian that it repelled the notion of function and became a landscape in and of it's own right. Early settlers painted imagery of Australia are so steeped in our artistic cultural heritage but not made of clay. Any of you who know me are well aware of my stance on our medium of choice and it's perception in our contemporary culture.
I started to create a flat body of work, a series of wall tile palques that were accessible to contemporary culture and representative of the media, abstract in form and loose in creation. 2D and 3D by nature.
This imagery is well embedded in my psych and I feel compelled by my surrounding to continue it's exploration. Given the abundance of local clay and iron content this subject nature could keep me obsessed for a lifetime.
and head on over to the frogpond for this sundays splash...
The work… 'Hills Edge' … It is one of a series of tiles symbolising the natural landscape of our City's eastern region, the beautiful Adelaide foot hills.
A gift by the city of tea tree gully to Mirioko Chuo High School in Japan, it is a great honour that my work would be selected to gift to our (city of tea tree gully) sister city delegation on their visit last month… photography by Derek McClure Photography
Jumat, 13 Juni 2014
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